Get clear direction on exactly how to optimize your health by obtaining bloodwork and urinalysis to detect areas of stress, deficiencies, and other health patterns.
Optimize your health with The Optimizer Bundle, including: lab work, a recorded video of a lab review/breakdown of your personal labs results, a personalized protocol based on your results, and 90 days of chat support. Let's break it down:

Optimizer Lab Bundle

lab work ($250 value)
blood work and urine analysis
what's included?
cbc, cmp, hs-crp, ferritin, ggt, gastrin, hgba1c, homocysteine, insulin. iron & total iron binding capacity, ldh, lipid panel, magnesium and magnesium rbc, phosphorus, sedimentation rate, thyroid panel (free t3, free t4, free thyroxine index, reverse t3, t3, t4, t3 uptake, thyroid antibodies, tsh), uric acid, urinalysis (complete with microscopic exam), vitamin d, 25-hydroxy

lab review
this will be a 30-45 minute recorded lab review/breakdown of your personal labs results
this will include basic education on the lab panels ordered, a document explaining the results, and an actual video breakdown of the information

individualized protocol
this will be a 90 day protocol with lifestyle changes, supplements, and additional support that is specific to you and your needs based on the intake form and lab results

90 days of chat support, with thirty day check-ins
it is important to feel supported as you start implementing a new protocol
I will give you access to 1:1 chat support from me, a nurse and holistic health practitioner, for questions related to your protocol and implementation
plus I will be sending you check in forms every thirty days to track your progress

a "jumpstart" type of budle

for the parents

perfect for a yearly check-in with your health

I have never had a provider truly assess each individual lab and help find patterns and look at optimal levels. I didn't have many levels in an outside-of-norm range, but had several that weren't optimal. I have always been told everything looks normal and good and Ellen is the first person to dive in deeper. My individual protocol was specific to my needs and I feel confident that I am prepared and set up for a healthy pregnancy.”

"Confident preparation"

I need this!


you don't have a lot of intense symptoms, but you want to learn how to better care for your body

you want to learn exactly what supplements could benefit you most, so that you aren't wasting time, money, and energy on random supplements this year

you are pregnant or trying to conceive (now or soon) and want to know exactly what nutrients you should include, specific to your body

you want personalized an attainable recommendations for lifestyle changes, to focus on for the new year

you want labs drawn and input from an experienced nurse and holistic health practitioner specifically trained in optimal (not average) lab results

This is for you if...

when you stop getting yearly labs with your average PCP, and start getting labs done with an expert trained in optimal ranges... your health will go from AVERAGE to OPTIMAL

  • payment plan available
  • HSA/FSA eligible 
  • utilizing a trusted and professional lab service
  • *US residents only (cannot reside in NY, NJ, RI)
  • *18 years and older only
  • *labs are drawn through LabCorp, so please ensure that you are located near a Lab Corp drawing center before purchasing - check here:

a client's testimony at a recent check-in with his PCP:

I want optimal.

Let's do it.

"My doctor told me yesterday I am her healthiest patient. All my lab results looked really really good. I know they are in normal range from my doctor's perspective, but YOU helped me achieve optimal ranges as well.
 Thank you!"